sharing my chronic journey + hoping it lightens yours
A Few Hundred Sunsets
There I stood, another January at the bottom of those steps. Those backwards-binocular, Santorini, infinite, dooming steps.
Doc Talk Tips
After years of trial and error, I’ve uncovered some key ways to get a doctor to tune in and take me seriously.
Happy Trails
A list of 21 things that have helped me combat my travel jitters. Links included. 😊
Body of Evidence
Red strings connect my timelines as I narrow down the triggers. My health is like a murder I’m trying to solve, and the doctors are telling me there isn’t a body.
The Chronic Tax
I deserve the comfort and ease of living just as much as the able-bodied person next to me. And you do too.
Climbing Stairs & Muscle Flares
Do I always weigh it out before? Not really. But I always pay the price. And that price is getting higher and higher.
Schrödinger's Chronic Cat
Sometimes it’s just a lot easier to worry about what the answer’s going to be than to figure out what we are going to do about it.
A Love Letter to the Non-Chronics
As the saying goes, we’re all just walking each other home.
Oh Sh*t. I’m 26.
Just stumbling my way through health insurance and sharing what I’ve learned so far.
Blurry Boundaries & Unsolicited Advice
Do not allow those unfamiliar with your pain to stifle your voice.
A Warm Welcome
Grab a cuppa tea and settle in. We have so much to cover. Welcome to HCW. 🩶