Hardeep Kaur
Chronic condition(s):
Primary Lymphedema, Malabsorption, & Migraines
How long has your condition(s) played a role in your life? Feel free to share when you were diagnosed/started having symptoms/etc.?
I was diagnosed with primary lymphedema and malabsorption when I was six months old. So I've been living with these conditions for 36 years now. I started getting migraines when I was 16 years old.
What has been your greatest challenge with your chronic illness?
My greatest challenge is just trying to live a normal life while living with all of these conditions. Lymphedema is very time-consuming to manage, so a lot of my time goes towards self-care. It leaves me with less time to actually live life. I'm constantly trying to balance having chronic conditions and living life.
What has been your greatest accomplishment with your chronic illness?
My greatest accomplishment has been coming to terms with accepting my conditions and with that acceptance has come the ability to learn how to love myself— flaws and all.
Do you have any advice for someone new to the world of chronic illness? What is one thing you wish you had known that would have made your life easier?
I would recommend to anyone new to the world of chronic illness to try and connect with people who also have your condition. It is so liberating and empowering to know you're not alone. Having people to share your experiences with is life-changing. With social media, it's easier than ever before to find and connect with people like you.
If you’d like to follow Hardeep on her chronic journey, please check out her Instagram: @hardeep_k
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