Courtney Gabrus

Chronic condition(s):
LMNA Muscular Dystrophy

How long has your condition(s) played a role in your life? Feel free to share when you were diagnosed/started having symptoms/etc.?
My whole life.

What has been your greatest challenge with your chronic illness?
Having a stroke at 22.

What has been your greatest accomplishment with your chronic illness?
Learning to talk and spell after the stroke
• Completing a graphic design program by myself
• My all-inclusive company that does all-inclusive coloring books

Do you have any advice for someone new to the world of chronic illness? What is one thing you wish you had known that would have made your life easier? 
Use your disability like your superpower! Focus on a hobby that you love and don't stop learning!

If you’d like to follow Courtney on her chronic journey, please check out her Instagram: @courtneygabrus


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